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  • What should I bring to Camp Dashmesh?

    • A detailed list is sent to all Singhs that register, please be on the lookout for the email(s)!​

  • How many Singhs are attending?

    • There is a limit of 200 Singhs for Camp Dashmesh, we recommend registering as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.​

  • Can I drive my own vehicle to the campsite?

    • No personal vehicles will be allowed at the camp, due to limited parking availability. If you plan on arriving at a later date, please let us know ahead of time ( and we will arrange transportation.​

  • Can someone pick me up from the airport?

    • There will be transportation provided from state airports (SFO, SJC, SAC) as long as you arrive before the first day of camp. If needed, we will provide housing at the local gurdwaras for early arrivals.

  • Can I request a roommate for Camp Dashmesh?

    • When registering for the camp, there is an option for you to enter the information of a Singh you would like to room with. There are a maximum of 2 requests per Singh, we will try our best to take all the requests into consideration.

  • How old must I be to attend the camp?

    • Every Singh attending Camp Dashmesh must be at least 13 years old or older. However, there may be consideration if a Bhujangi who is under the age limit and would like to attend the Camp. Please keep in mind that this will be a case by case determination.​​​​

  • Can I attend for just one or two days?

    • All Singhs that register must attend all four days of the camp (unless approved by DPC beforehand). If you arrive/leave a day late/early, please make sure to notify the Sevadars along with sending an email (​

  • Is there a dress code for Camp Dashmesh?

    • Although there is not a strict dress code, we highly recommend all Singhs to dress comfortably/appropriately. A Chola/Kurta Pajama is ideal for this camp, however Western clothing is acceptable. During Diwan, however, there should be no Singh wearing the following: shorts, socks, or hats.​

  • Who should I contact if I have any concerns (health, financial, etc.)?

    • We strive to make this camp an inclusive experience for all. Please be sure to contact us ahead of time in case of any concerns, at ​

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